
ICT for Development

We offer basic and advanced digital skills to youth from the disadvantaged communities which are crucial in professional development. We believe that for young people to engage meaningfully in society, they must be equipped with 21st century skills and opportunities to advance their vision of a connected future. Through this program, youth acquire not only skills but also model their IT-based or IT enabled  solutions. 

YEEP Program 1

Youth Economic Empowerment Program

The program focuses on upskilling in social entrepreneurship and promoting establishment and growth of start-ups. The program spans from offering life skills, technical skills and social enterprise development skills to youth in the last mile and consequently incubating the viable enterprising ideas and linking them to accelerators, and investment opportunities. To overcome the roadblock of a lacking startup funds, we have a kitty and this program called DigiFund that gives capital as a seed fund to most promising alumni of DigiLab


Young Global Citizenship Program

Young Global Citizenship Program: This is an exchange program for youth to enhance experience sharing, learning and exposure. The program is 2-edged – youth from Kenyan local communities are provided opportunities for exchange visits outside the country while also hosting youths from other countries for cross-learning. Such programs seek to promote cultural exchange and learning while exploring how young people can champion for change and make the world a better place.