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ICT and Social Entrenuership Training Program.

We are inviting applications for our FREE training programs in ICT and SOCIAL ENTREPRENUERSHIP for young women from informal settlements and low income communities. The training programs are provided in partnership with Women’s WorldWide Web ( W4) with aim to bridge skills gap and empower youth in our  disadvantaged communities. The project is nested under our Innovating for Social Impact Programme (iSIP), the flagship project of EmpServe and is hosted at the Social Innovation  Hub -Pangani.


This is for you if you are a youth with an interest in acquiring employability skills in ICT and SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP. The program will equip you with  basic and/or advanced digital skills and enable you to develop an entrepreneurial mindset in a enabling environment with instructors and peer learning. To qualify applicants should be

  • Be individuals aged  between 18-25 years;
  • Be residents of low -income or informal community
  • Be unemployed
  • Be willing to participate in the training for the entire period.
  • Be a  form 4 graduate or have post-high school training


Applicants are to ensure that the information you provide  is clear and precise and all questions on the application form are answered to their fullness.

Complete the Application Form Below:

We are inviting youth with already made mobile apps that solve community challenges to participate in Youth Mobile Entrepreneurship for Sustainable Future Challenge(mPreneur). The project is nested under our Innovating for Social Impact Programme (iSIP), the flagship project of EmpServe that aims to build and nurture young social innovators an tech enthusiasts. 

We have partnered with agencies around the globe to implement mPrenuer under the theme Youth Mobile Entrepreneurship for Sustainable Future. mPrenuer  seeks to empower youth to develop sustainable solutions to the persisting community challenges; empower youth workers and youth CSOs to innovate youth work, promote global and regional actions to raise awareness of, and recognize the youthwork in SME – social mobile entrepreneurship field for youth empowerment and employability.

The project is co-funded by the European Commission and the Erasmus + program  as a build-up of mYouth1.0 implemented in 2016 and mYouth2.0 implemented in 2019. mPrenuer intends to expand beyond the achievements during the 1st and 2nd editions where 15 and 16 mobile apps respectively were developed and participated in the continental competitions and the European Youth  Award (World Youth Summit Awards). 

mPrenuer is a partnership project run by a partner in their respective countries where EmpServe Kenya, is the representative organization to run the version of the project in Kenya. Other partners in the project are Austria (ICNM)International Center for New Media& (WSA) World Summit Awards and ICT for Development (, Uganda (Uganda Youth Skills Training Organization ), Philippines (BTG Philippines), Romania (CERT), Singapore (Sustainable Living lab), Macedonia (PORAKA NOVA ), Tanzania (Cube) – Center for Entrepreneurs and Innovators Zanzibar).


  • Winning participants will secure a fully funded trip for 8-day business training in the Social mPreneur School in Ohrid, North Macedonia ( 2 from each country);
  • Opportunity to win a fully funded trip to the World Summit Award in Graz, Austria, for the international gala event bringing together potential investors, and tech experts from around the world
  • All participating applications will get the chance to connect with global mentors and experts in the tech field during the training (mLearning, Techpreneurship, and Sustainable Impact-making for young aspiring entrepreneurs)
  • Promotion of their mobile solutions – on various platforms, including the mPreneur online channels.
  • Opportunity to showcase innovation – The project has very high visibility both locally and internationally;
  • Networking and experience exchange with youth workers from 8 countries in Africa, Asia, and Europe
  • Be featured in the online book of inspiration on mPreneur sustainability toolkit: empowering Youngsters and Youth Workers on Social Mobile Entrepreneurship. 
  • Certificate of participation for the National Camps as well as for the Intercontinental camp in Macedonia (for the winners)
  • Mentorship and support from EmpServe Social Innovation hub as well as its network of enablers 

All activities, including travels to continental and European camps, are fully funded.


This is for you if you are a youth with an interest in change-making, basic and/or advanced coding skills, digitally literate, and wanting to develop an entrepreneurial mindset, as well as youth workers developing programs on technology and entrepreneurship and mobile learning, but also stakeholders from the ICT field and the business community.

  • Individuals and/or group co-founders can participate;
  • Participants should be between 18-30 years;
  • Participants must have regulated resident status in Kenya (citizenship or resident permit);and the ability to acquire requisite travel documents for the winners
  • The participants need to have already made a mobile application (Beta version, pre-launch version, or for instance already uploaded on App Store, Google Play or other platforms accessible by the users)
  • Mobile solutions need to demonstrate clear social impact;
  • Participants need to demonstrate plans to scale up the social impact of the tech application in terms of reach and influence
  • Participants need to demonstrate how they will sustain the tech application and how they generate income
  • If not already launched, participants need to demonstrate readiness to launch the mobile platform on or before October 2022
  • Female founders are highly encouraged to apply.


Applicants are to take time to read carefully through the criteria for selection and to research social impact/social businesses in regards to mobile solution, so as to clarify their business model. Ensure that the information you provide about your innovation is clear and precise and all questions on the application form are answered to their fullness.

Send your application to by August 26th, 2022. Use the subject “ “mPrenuer  [your app name]” on the subject of the email.

Download and complete the application form here 

Instructions: Click on the link >>>File >>>Download as Microsoft Word

Application Deadline: 26th August 2022.

Follow our pages to remain updated about the project and other opportunities. 

Comment (1)

  1. Mickson wabwile wafula
    February 13, 2023 Reply

    It’s good for youths because it give them knowledge on how create job opportunity

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