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Young Global Citizenship Program is an exchange program for youth to enhance experience sharing, learning and exposure. The program is 2-edged – youth from Kenyan local communities are provided opportunities for exchange visits outside the country while also hosting youths from other countries for cross-learning.
Such programs seek to promote cultural exchange and learning while exploring how young people can champion for change and make the world a better place. We are currently implementing Sustainable Youth Work (SYW) that seek to transform volunteerism into sustainable jobs or enterprise through exchange programs.
Projects Under This Program
This initiative is an exchange program that seeks to transform cultural activities and volunteerism into meaningful jobs for youth. The selected youth gets the opportunity to visit different organizations abroad together with youth from other countries for cross learning.
This project saw 2 youth volunteers from Kenya participate in exchange visit in Poland and Italy respectively. On t he other hand, EmpServe hosted 4 youth volunteers from Ghana, Italy, Poland and Spain for exchange visits in Kenyan organizations in January 2020.
Funded by : Glocal Factory under European Union Erasmus+ project
Myouth2(Mobile, Youth, Opportunity, Unity, Technology, Help) is a community project that seeks to capacity build youth with mobile apps that are solving community problems.The participants chosen through an open call took part in case competition, continental hackathon and international bootcamp. EmpServe received 32 applications of youth with mobile Apps that solve community problems. After shortlisting, 6 solutions participated in a case competition under a panel of judges and 3 solutions were selected to take part in continental Hackathon in Ghana.
Out of the 14 ideas across participating countries, EmpServe secured 2 positions out of 4 best solutions that were selected to participate in an international business bootcamp in Macedonia. Overall winners proceeded to compete in European Youth Award(EYA) after Macedonia bootcamp. mYouth ran between October 2017 – December 2018 and Empserve was the Implementing partner In Kenya.
Funded by : MladiInfo International under European Union Erasmus+ project
Mprenuer seeks to empower youth to develop sustainable solutions to the persisting community challenges under the theme Youth Mobile Entrepreneurship for Sustainable Future. The project is implemented in partnership with agencies around the globe where EmpServe is the implementing partner in Kenya. It empowers youth workers and youth CSOs to innovate youth work, promote global and regional actions to raise awareness of, and recognize the youth work in SME – social mobile entrepreneurship field for empowerment and employability.
It provides networking and experience exchange with youth workers from 8 countries in Africa, Asia, and Europe. The project is currently in Progress with 2 winners set to represent Kenya in the Social mPreneur School in Ohrid, North Macedonia. They will then attend the World Summit Award in Graz, Austria, for the international gala event bringing together potential investors, and tech experts from around the world.
Funded by : European Union; Erasmus+ project